• September 16, 2020
  • Macer collaborates with the II ATC IMPULSA AWARD

Macer collaborates with the II ATC IMPULSA AWARD for the best research and development project applied to the ceramic industry.

This award values the importance of training among ceramic technicians and the development of research work related to the ceramic cluster, both from a technical and design point of view.

This support to training and research has associated the generation of basic knowledge that can then be applied and transfered to the ceramic sector. This transfer process has become one of the main ways for the integration of new technicians into the labour market.

This year it should be noted that there are two new modalities in the award:

– Category A Award. Higher Studies (University Degree or Equivalent) related to scientific-technological processes of ceramic products.

– Category B Award. Higher Studies  (University Degree or Equivalent) related to technologies applicable to ceramic industrial processes.

– Category C Award. Studies of Training Cycles (Middle or Higher) related to scientific-technological processes of ceramic products.

– Category D Award. Studies of Training Cycles (Middle or Higher) related to technologies applicable to ceramic industrial processes.

– Category E Award. Higher Studies or Training Cycles in the artistic section.